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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Neque duis integer in nibh sapien in mauris lacus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Neque duis integer in nibh sapien in mauris lacus.


Instantly bridge to any chain from any website


The crypto native comment box for every dApp. Collaborate on-chain together with degens


Coming soon

Bridge & Swap
Bridge & Swap

Become a multi-chain MANiac

Instantly ape into on-chain opportunities


Protection from phishing attacks

Works with any wallet

Compatible with Metamask, Rabby or  any browser wallet


Join the chat on every dApp


17 bridges & 26 chains
On every website


Swap at the best price on any chain



Access your multichain portfolio in seconds



Over 20 bridges give you instant access to any chain


Use 1 tab not 10

Your on-chain potential awaits

Praise from community

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi was a seamless experience for me when I was trading on Uniswap. Saved me some money and and all in just one simple click. In my opinion it’s an essential easy to use tool for any trader

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi has been an extreme improvement for my trading UX, no longer do I have to find the best trading route, trying out different platforms. I can trust that Caddi knows better, it does a better job than I ever could while saving me loads of time. Once you download Caddi you can't do without!

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi was a seamless experience for me when I was trading on Uniswap. Saved me some money and and all in just one simple click. In my opinion it’s an essential easy to use tool for any trader

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi is like the Honey for crypto. A must have.

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi has been an extreme improvement for my trading UX, no longer do I have to find the best trading route, trying out different platforms. I can trust that Caddi knows better, it does a better job than I ever could while saving me loads of time. Once you download Caddi you can't do without!

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi is like the Honey for crypto. A must have.

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi was a seamless experience for me when I was trading on Uniswap. Saved me some money and and all in just one simple click. In my opinion it’s an essential easy to use tool for any trader

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi was a seamless experience for me when I was trading on Uniswap. Saved me some money and and all in just one simple click. In my opinion it’s an essential easy to use tool for any trader

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi has been an extreme improvement for my trading UX, no longer do I have to find the best trading route, trying out different platforms. I can trust that Caddi knows better, it does a better job than I ever could while saving me loads of time. Once you download Caddi you can't do without!

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi is like the Honey for crypto. A must have.

Ashish Singh
Product Designer

Caddi was a seamless experience for me when I was trading on Uniswap. Saved me some money and and all in just one simple click. In my opinion it’s an essential easy to use tool for any trader

BACKED BY PenguinS & Humans

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